Sunday, December 13, 2009


can you
describe to me
what it was?
because i've never felt
more lost.
the friends i have
keep falling and falling
out from under me.
be like a crutch,
but you ask for too much.
and i have these visions
of your eyes
running in my mind.
blink once blink twice
and lie to me
say it's just
not for me to see
but just because
i've done it once
just shut up!

i don't want to be
on the outside
looking in.

but it seems i always am.

call yourself a friend indeed?
i scream at you when i'm in need.
a play on words perhaps i'll be
when you see sorrow painfully.


sticky spider words
and nuclear warheads
i'll quote you
but i won't support you
the way it stuck in my throat
when i wanted to scream
i'll ease it
but i won't believe it.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

tell me

how is is
that i always manage
to miss my chances?
oh, say
the colloquial pressures of
a society long gone
and still
but i always held out a hope.
the tall shadows
in the mosque
so darling
reflecting how
the three of us are dying
because now
the three of us are dying
tell us the news
show us the girl
and stop talking to me.